Thursday, June 27, 2013

One month in Northern Ireland!!

One month in Norther Ireland. Amazing what a month can do! I no longer have that knot of anxiety in my stomach the minute we get in the car and start down the wrong side of a narrow road. In fact I have even changed my definition of narrow road. Some roads I thought were narrow, when we first arrived, I now see as quite normal. Narrow is when only one car can almost negotiate its way past what and whomever may be parked along the lane. We had a quick one day tour of the country as we were asked to do flat inspections, which means visiting the flats of the young missionaries and making sure everything is in order. We traveled to Omagh, then into the Republic of Ireland to Letterkenny, then back to Northern Ireland and on to Londonderry, then Coleraine and back to Antrim and home to Belfast. It was a 10 hour drive for us and unfortunately we did not have time for sightseeing. The roads are good motorways except for the dozen or more roundabouts we had to slow for. They are the answer to easy access to a busy road with no over pass. Just means you go for about a mile or two at 70MPH and then slow for a roundabout and then do it again. At one stretch for 8 times in a row. I started to feel dizzy. The county is beautiful green with hedges for fences. I loved the drive and know the next time we do it to schedule when we can use two or three days so we can take our time.

Between Bangor and Killyleagh

Driving into Londonderry

On the way to Letterkenney

Road to Bangor

We are loving working with the Young Single Adults. We teach an Institute class on Wednesday nights. Right now the topic is Preparing for Eternal Marriage. We usually have 18-20 students and hope to double that in the fall. We not only have at least three activities a week with the YSA's but we often help out the young missionaries with teaching or taking them places etc. We have finally adjusted to the time difference and can sleep most of the night. Things like getting a bank account with a debit card and getting internet at our flat have been a drawn out process with so many kinks. The internet is finally hooked up but we still await the final arrangements to have a fully functioning bank account. Getting in to see a doctor, however was not difficult at all and I was able to get my Twinrix booster with no charge at all.

We have spent a couple of Preparation Days seeing some fun places, Killyleagh is a fun little town with this amazing Cinderella castle.
Killyleagh Castle

The gatehouse. The castle can be seen in the background on the right.

The castle as seen from the gatehouse.
It is still lived in.

Another fun thing was a visit to the Titanic museum. Did you know the Titanic was built in Belfast? Very interesting place to visit.

The museum was built so as to be the same height as the Titanic.  See Sister Forsyth in the middle in the foreground.

It is nice to feel like we are settled in and starting to figure things out.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Life is beautiful!

Our street with our flat
Looking downtown from our street
A week in this beautiful country of Ireland! We are learning lots, like how to dodge vacated cars (they don't park they just get out) and maneuver crowded streets and how difficult opening a bank account is. We ventured downtown and through the busy, narrow streets of Belfast four times before we had the right combination of paperwork and people that would allow us to deposit and hopefully retrieve money from the bank. On failed trip three I wasn't quite as Canadian as I had been on one and two, mind you rules are tools or so we were told. The only problem was the rules changed depending on who we spoke with. But all is good we have received a warm, friendly welcome everywhere we have been. Even the weather has been welcoming.The sun has shone on every day we have been here with a few rain showers to go with it but on the whole very pleasant. The land is green and spring flowers brighten the yards.
Lagan River 
We walked along the Lagan river today at Shaw's bridge.Such a beautiful place. As you look at the pictures imagine a sweet flowery smell in the fresh air and the chitter and chirping of birds.

The Rosetta building we use for YSA
We love the young people we are working with and are very busy with the preparing and doing. Those that come out have wonderful testimonies of Our Saviour Jesus Christ but there are many we need to help them find and invite. Our coming week is jam packed including a trip Wednesday to a conference in Dublin. The time change hasn't quite worn off yet but we are getting there:)
Shaw's Bridge

A field of buttercups along the path
About a block  from our house.