Monday, May 27, 2013

Irish Luck

May 26,2013
I did say I wanted to land in Ireland on a sunny day so I could see the green Isle from the air. Some how I always get what I want. As we flew over Ireland on the way to London the sky was a marshmallow bed of clouds so thick there was no seeing through them. I was disappointed. We landed in London on time made the arduous journey by train and then by bus from terminal 5 to terminal 1, waited the 2 hours for the posting of our gate # as they only post them less than an hour from take off. We got the preliminary posting telling us to take the 25 min walk to gates 77-86 so we made the journey supposing when we got somewhere close we would know the actual gate. We found a waiting area and waited and waited but no new updates for any of the flights. I began to think something was wrong with the monitor in the waiting area. Finally someone brought our attention to what was happening on the runways. There were at least half a dozen police cars with lights flashing, three fire trucks and several emergency vehicles. As we watched the emergency chutes were let down and people disembarked from the jet sitting there. The vehicles stayed, and stayed and the update board remained unchanged. The waiting room we were in had no speaker but you could hear announcements being made out in the hall way. People began leaving the room down the hall in hordes  Elder Forsyth went to see what was happening and came back with the grande news. Our flight was cancelled. A plane had an engine catch fire and had an emergency landing The long journey back was made with not just our carry on but all our baggage. Fun!! then another couple of hours in line with hordes of upset people all wondering the same thing," What line should I be in and do I need to see the ticket desk or the check-in centre?"  Both with hundreds of people crowding around.We were finally directed to the check in centre and when we finally got through the cue we were told our next available flight was 2:00pm tomorrow. Dandy! I've always wanted to experience overnight in a crowded airport after not sleeping for 24 hours. We found a payphone and called the mission office. We were directed to call President Jordan of the London Mission. He was gracious and concerned and asked if we could catch a taxi to the Hyde Park chapel.

Our stop turned into a pleasant, but very rainy day of exploring the Albert and Victoria Museum and the National Museum of natural history. The Albert and Victoria Museum has an amazing collection of Rennisance art. In the gallery of large religious murals we sat on a bench and reverently contemplated for about a half hour, with our eyes closed. I just hope we didn't snore too loud. I'm sure we got some stares but we didn't notice it as our eyes were closed.

Yawning in the museum!!
We had a restful sleepin a comfortable bed in theLondon mission home Before we left on Saturday we went for a walk to Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens.

Cool building in London

A corner of Hyde Park

The Royal Albert Hall.

Beside the monument in Kensington gardens

Horseback riders in Hyde Park

The monument in Kensington gardens

President and Sister Jordan got us safely back to the airport and we got to see the Green Isle from the air as it was a clear sunny day. Wish Granted!! I must have the luck of the Irish!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Out of the Nest

May 22,2013

We said goodbye to our friends for the last 10 days and turned in our MTC pass cards. Hard to believe but it was our last day at the MTC. Our CES training has built our confidence in preparing for teaching the Young Single Adults. We had some pretty powerful lessons and wonderful teachers. Today we were pushed out of the nest to make room for the new hatchlings. Tomorrow we fly.
The CES, YSA and Military Support Couples.
Our neatest part of the day was our attendance at the Provo temple. It is a beautiful building and we got another spiritual battery boost before our departure from what is familiar. We are ready for the adventure. Corinne will pick us up at 7:30 and, after a breakfast with her, we are on our way to the airport. We fly to Chicago at 11:15. After a 2 hr layover we're off for 7.5 hour flight to London, a 3 hour layover, another 1 1/2 hour flight and then arrive in Belfast at 11:10 Friday morning. Yeah We are excited. Let's Do IT! 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 5 That's a Wrap

Our MTC district with our afternoon teacher.
 Our first week of lessons complete. We are a week smarter! The role playing and lesson teaching experiences on Friday were very instructive. Besides recognizing the role of divine inspiration we also found it very eye opening to really understand how another person might feel and react to certain situations. Our teachers at the MTC have been amazing and we have so enjoyed the association and friendships with the other two couples in our district. Some of the couples are now on their way. We have 2 1/2 days training with Church Education System next week.

Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake
Inside the Capitol
Friday afternoon my sister Corinne picked us up and after having a delicious meal with her family we went with her and her daughter Candace to the Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake where we experienced the Rossini opera of The Barber of Seville. It was delightful and very well done. The singing was superb and the light comedic story just kept us laughing for the whole 3 hours.
The Barber scheming with the Count

Thursday, May 16, 2013

MTC Day 4 Joy in the Air

The day flew by and we had more learning and teaching experiences. The practice is building confidence and we feel we are stretching to the call. I love the fantastic feel of this place. The young elders and sisters are everywhere, exuberant and chattering, many companionships studying together on the lawns and benches outside- sisters here and elders there. As we walked by we could hear them practicing their lessons or their languages. Joy is in the air and it is so contagious. We are having fun!

Studying on the campus
 As we walked after lunch we saw :

The Provo temple
A pair of quail
A bluebird.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 3 at the MTC. Jumping in!

May 15,2013

Another day at the MTC and our brains felt poured full of information. We came back and just flopped on the bed for a half hour before we could move.Today was our first teaching experience with an “investigator”. She was an older women, widowed with a son and his family living with her.. We had many things in common and felt at ease right away. She was receptive to our words and we were able to testify and challenge her. Elder Forsyth and I worked very well together and took turns teaching concepts without really following a set plan. It felt good. We were able to challenge her to read the Book of Mormon and she accepted. We set up another appointment with her. We were glad to have fairly simple first try. We have another go at it tomorrow and it sort of sounded like they may throw more kinks in it.
It was new missionary day so the place was just swarming with missionaries At supper, we sat with two cute little sister missionaries who had just arrived, one from Mexico City going to a California mission and one from Seoul Korea going to Honolulu Hawaii. They both spoke amazing English.
 Sister Forsyth outside the MTC at the end of the day, waiting for the shuttle back to the hotel.

 To unwind we walked from our hotel over to the old tabernacle they are restoring for a temple and also walked around the historic County courthouse. Both with wonderful old architecture.
Historic County courthouse
Artists conception of what the new Provo temple will look like when finished.
What it currently looks like

A closeup of what it looks like underneath
 Then we just walked down some of the side streets and saw some beautiful old houses.

Thanks Corinne for the card and hand lotion for my dry hands. I love it!