Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Out of the Nest

May 22,2013

We said goodbye to our friends for the last 10 days and turned in our MTC pass cards. Hard to believe but it was our last day at the MTC. Our CES training has built our confidence in preparing for teaching the Young Single Adults. We had some pretty powerful lessons and wonderful teachers. Today we were pushed out of the nest to make room for the new hatchlings. Tomorrow we fly.
The CES, YSA and Military Support Couples.
Our neatest part of the day was our attendance at the Provo temple. It is a beautiful building and we got another spiritual battery boost before our departure from what is familiar. We are ready for the adventure. Corinne will pick us up at 7:30 and, after a breakfast with her, we are on our way to the airport. We fly to Chicago at 11:15. After a 2 hr layover we're off for 7.5 hour flight to London, a 3 hour layover, another 1 1/2 hour flight and then arrive in Belfast at 11:10 Friday morning. Yeah We are excited. Let's Do IT! 


  1. I am so excited for you! Can't wait to hear from you from the other side of the pond.

  2. Betty Lou, you should be a writer. Your blogs are always amazing. Have a safe flight. Belfast is going to love you both!

  3. Beautiful temple! It's one of my favorite ones since I went there so often as a young married girl.
